Electrical Engineering (BS/MS)

This program allows highly qualified students to receive the Bachelor of Science in either Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering and a master's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. The joint BS/MS degree program affords undergraduate electrical or computer engineering majors the opportunity to broaden their studies and improve their career prospects.

Electrical Engineering (BS)

Focus: engineering analysis and design concepts with sufficient flexibility to incorporate the study of areas such as analog electronics, bioengineering, computer engineering, systems and controls, microsystems and nanosystems, electronics packaging, digital signal processing, optics and photonics, electrical energy, electromagnetics, and telecommunications.

Economics (Ph.D.)

Focus: researching the economic forces that generate the impetus for individuals to compete globally and analyzing the interrelated effects that these forces have on the environment, international trade, and the behavior of firms in a variety of industrial sectors in the U.S.

Economics (Minor)

The School of Economics offers a Minor in Economics for students in all disciplines at Georgia Tech. The minor program provides a general acquaintance with economic thought and is especially valuable for students considering graduate work in law or management. It should also be attractive to students who wish to broaden their education and to understand the forces that shape the modern world.