As the university archivist, McGee carefully considers what should be documented and preserved as Georgia Tech history.
New research from the Georgia Institute of Technology offers a unique framework for understanding queer communities and their histories.
New research from the Georgia Institute of Technology offers a unique framework for understanding queer communities and their histories.
Using social media, researchers create a mental health index for country's top-ranked colleges.
Georgia Tech researchers have determined that attitudes expressed on social media can predict dieting success.
Recognized among the nation’s most distinguished leaders, three Georgia Tech professors have been selected as Fellows by the American Association for the Advancement of Science for 2022.
Faculty and staff members suggest books, documentaries, and television programs that explore race, identity, history, and memory.
EcoCommons space honors three young men who challenged racial segregation.
Inclusivity and understanding past policies and their effects on underserved and marginalized communities must be part of urban planning, design, and public policy efforts for cities.
Costumes in the annual Trinidad and Tobago Carnival often inspire awe because of their extravagance, flamboyancy, and — for some dancing sculptures — their size.