Whether your commute to campus is five minutes or 55, high prices at the gas pump are affecting everyone, and the Georgia Tech community is no exception.
The Banner registration system upgrade provides students with access to an enhanced self-service registration system, new scheduling features and a modernized user interface for desktops and mobile devices.
Astronaut Shane Kimbrough visits campus after returning from space in November of 2021.
The City of Atlanta will shut down Techwood Drive between North Avenue and Bobby Dodd Way between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Thursday, March 10, and Friday, March 11, to repave the roadway and apply temporary striping.
Alternative Service Breaks (ASB) will provide students with an opportunity to help communities around the southeastern U.S. through volunteer trips.
The group’s major focus is on blood drives throughout the semester, and the next one will take place on March 9 in the Exhibition Hall.
The Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design – the first Living Building Challenge 3.1 certified building in the Southeast – receives national American Institute of Architect’s (AIA) Honor Award for Architecture.
Supporting and empowering everyone — students, faculty, staff, alumni, and affiliates — to embed the values in their daily interactions is a core objective of L.O.V.E. GT.
New on-demand program will connect riders to stations