For two days in September, Georgia Tech will bring together experts and thought leaders across multiple fields and disciplines to explore the theme of creating and using AI responsibly.
Block or charge? An AI-powered basketball official could help make the call.
The Art and AI VIP explores the interplay between artistry and artificial intelligence.
Mariel Borowitz and Jon Lindsay of the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs will help lead a series of public wargaming exercises to test the limits of U.S. deterrence strategies in space.
Hundreds of maps detail the Tech campus. Doug Sims sees endless opportunities to utilize data to keep the community informed.
Daniel Carr recently won an award for the Best Student Game at the recent Independent Game Festival in San Francisco.
Srijan Kumar and Munmun De Choudhury receive CDC grant
Richard Sargent, former senior manager of Office of Information Technology Infrastructure Operations, has been tapped as senior director of IT Support Services with the Administrative Services Center.