ark Reidl is a key expert in artificial intelligence, computational creativity, and AI storytelling for entertainment.

Mark Riedl


College of Computing School of Interactive Computing

Mark Reidl is a key expert in artificial intelligence, computational creativity, and AI storytelling for entertainment.

Mark Riedl’s research focuses on human-centered artificial intelligence — the development of AI and machine learning technologies that understand and interact with human users in more natural ways. His research addresses the question of how to design AI with the ability to create, understand, and respond to stories. His recent work has focused on story understanding and generation, computational creativity, explainable AI, and teaching virtual agents to behave safely. His research is supported by the NSF, DARPA, ONR, the U.S. Army, U.S. Health and Human Services, Disney, Google, Meta, and Amazon. He is the recipient of a DARPA Young Faculty Award and an NSF CAREER Award.

News and Recent Appearances

Changing the Conversation: Georgia Tech Researchers Provide New Approach to Automated Story Generation

Research from Georgia Tech’s School of Interactive Computing provides a novel approach that improves the combination of automated story generation with natural language.

'Human Rights' May Help Shape Artificial Intelligence in 2019

Georgia Tech researchers say ethics and transparency are likely top 2019 trends in the burgeoning field of AI.
