New research from the Georgia Institute of Technology offers a unique framework for understanding queer communities and their histories.
The transformation allows for a billion percent increase in the material’s conductivity and could lead to a new paradigm for quantum devices.
An international, collaborative team of researchers shed light on how fungi and plant roots work together to gather nutrients — and how the diversity of plant species may impact the process.
Researchers at Georgia Tech and Emory found wearable ankle exoskeletons helped subjects improve standing balance only if they activated before muscles fired.
DASI Simulations, uses AI and computer vision in its technology for personalized and more accurate heart valve replacement modeling.
The honor is one of the highest professional distinctions for engineers
Georgia Tech-Europe and MIT researchers are using emerging technology to demonstrate a process that will enable more immersive and realistic virtual and augmented reality displays with the world’s smallest and thinnest micro-LEDs.
Their work reveals what goes wrong within the cells’ interface layers.
The team's new methodology offers hope for better coral connectivity monitoring and protection in the future.
Replacing the potent greenhouse gas SF6 in high-voltage circuit breakers with a clean alternative is critical as the U.S. looks to upgrade its aging electrical infrastructure.