Wildfires in Africa are fueled by a feedback loop mechanism as aerosols interact with the climate
The research shows that people in lower socioeconomic tiers wait nearly three hours longer on average for their power to be restored.
The emissions tracker created by a Georgia Tech-led team will play an important role in the work, researchers say.
School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences researchers find dangerous sulfates are formed, and their particles get bigger, within the plumes of pollution belching from coal-fired power plants.
Rachel Moore spent nearly 50 days in one of the most remote places on Earth, collecting ice cores; the research has implications for climate change predictions and searching for signs of life on icy worlds.
The Urban Honey Bee Project’s new beekeeper in residence is creating art and educating the public with her practice.
Jim Sowell talks about Georgia Tech's observatory, what can be learned from an eclipse, and why you should watch for it wherever you are.
By lassoing lizards, putting tiny chips on their legs, and tracking them for three years, Georgia Tech’s James Stroud revealed why species often appear unchanged for millions of years despite Charles Darwin’s theory of constant evolution.
Georgia Tech researchers have uncovered eco-friendly bacterial proteins that stabilize methane clathrates, offering a green solution to climate challenges and potential implications for astrobiology.
In response to changing climates, many plants and animals are moving to higher elevations, seeking cooler temperatures. But a new study finds that flying insects like bees and moths may struggle with insurmountable issues to this escape route.