Georgia Tech employees can expect a new look and feel for the TechWorks website beginning Monday, June 6.
A team of Georgia Tech students and faculty members has won the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) EcoCAR Mobility Challenge.
The primary purpose of this program is to give first- or second-year graduate students in diverse disciplines working on original and un-funded research in micro- and nano-scale projects the opportunity to access the IEN cleanroom.
Borowitz recommended the transition of space monitoring from the Defense Department to a civil agency.
Senior Research Scientist, Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
As communities continue a shift toward normalcy in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, Georgia Tech researchers have helped quantify the effectiveness of school closures on community spread reduction.
Georgia Tech has received two Department of Defense (DoD) 2022 Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) awards totaling almost $14 million.
The rising sea levels along Georgia’s Savannah coast and an uptick in more severe storms during hurricane season are bellwethers to looming ecological challenges stemming from climate change.
The rising sea levels along Georgia’s Savannah coast and an uptick in more severe storms during hurricane season are bellwethers to looming ecological challenges stemming from climate change.
Georgia Tech will sunset the BlueJeans videoconferencing solution on June 14.