New OpenAI Academy at Georgia Tech offers education and resources to advance public knowledge in one of the top fields globally.
M.S. CSE student Grace Driskill achieved many athletic and academic accolades during her career at Georgia Tech, including being the first-ever student-athlete in the School of Computational Science and Engineering.
Ph.D. student Phillip Si and Assistant Professor Peng Chen developed Latent-EnSF, a technique that improves how ML models assimilate data to make predictions.
Ahead of a rivalry showdown against UGA, the Georgia Tech Hockey Club sees an opportunity to grow their sport.
The patent-pending app, AI4Echolalia, earned second place in the 2024 TEDAI Hackathon in San Francisco.
During his time at Tech, Harrison Baro, an environmental engineering student, has actively participated across campus.
Since 2019, the group has been lending a paw to Georgia Tech students looking for a way to de-stress.
For 25 years, Hall has been a leader in the Office of Development and a cornerstone of Athletics fundraising efforts.
Rising Tide will welcome researchers for two-year fellowships that are focused on faculty mentoring and skills development to apply for competitive faculty positions.
Seniors transformed operations at a local nonprofit through their capstone project, using teamwork, Python technology, and innovative solutions.