Professor Bill Todd Creates Grady Emergency Medical Technician Scholarship for Georgia Tech Students
Bill Todd, Professor of the Practice at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business, created the Grady Emergency Medical Technician Scholarship for current and aspiring emergency medical technician students at Georgia Tech.
Georgia Tech's CREATE-X program, bolstered by generous philanthropic support, celebrates 10 years of building entrepreneurial confidence in students.
Georgia Tech is partnering with area universities to promote a more realistic understanding of AI for local communities through research, education, and outreach.
A philantropic grant is transforming the future of open-source software at Georgia Tech.
Georgia Tech and GSU are partnering to study and advance training for teaching assistants who support computer science courses.
Castro-Méndez’s research and published work in mitigating climate change earned a Chih Foundation Graduate Student Research Publication award.
Dongsuk Sung's research and published work in studying brain temperature earned a Chih Foundation Graduate Student Research Publication award.
Stephen (Nick) Housley wins the inaugural Jack and Dana McCallum Early Career Fellowship for his work at the intersection of neuroscience and cancer treatment.
Emmy Hughes, a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech has been selected as a recipient of the Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Scholar Foundation award.