Master of Science in International Security (MS ISEC) Conceptual Foundations and Practical Policy Analysis

The Master of Science in International Security (MS ISEC) program offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills to address pressing international security issues. With a customizable program of study, students can specialize in subjects such as great power rivalry, defense policy analysis, crisis decision-making, and more.

Customizable Curriculum:

  • Diverse Subjects: Choose from topics like 21st-century power dynamics, military strategy, terrorism, peacekeeping, regional security, and cyber warfare.
  • Research Proficiency: Gain expertise in qualitative and quantitative research methods, as well as data analysis, visual analytics, and modeling and simulation.

Preparation for Impactful Careers:

  •  30-Credit Hour Program: Graduate with a solid understanding of emerging global security problems and the ability to assess and communicate their strategic consequences.
  • Career Opportunities: Become an expert and leader in foreign and security policymaking, defense planning, the intelligence community, NGOs, or the private sector.


Master of Science in International Security Objectives:

  1. Problem-Solving Skills: Develop practical problem-solving abilities to address immediate and future international security concerns. Acquire knowledge of substantive issues, research methods, and data collection skills.
  2. Scientific Analysis: Master analytical skills to scrutinize international affairs and formulate solutions using quantitative or qualitative methodologies. Proficiency in software utilization and information processing.
  3. Professional Development: Think strategically about career choices, communicate effectively through written analyses and oral presentations, and work collaboratively in small groups.
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