BS in Aerospace Engineering Overview

The Aerospace Engineering BS program offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge for a successful career in the aerospace industry. The program emphasizes analytical, experimental, and design aspects of aerospace engineering, allowing students to specialize in air or space-focused tracks.

Aerospace Engineering Bachelor's Degree Curriculum:

  • Year 1: Foundational coursework in chemistry, mathematics, physics, humanities, and social sciences.
  • Year 2: Introduction to general engineering sciences and aerospace-specific disciplines.
  • Years 3 and 4: Advanced coursework in aerospace disciplines, vehicle systems integration and design, and customizable Options courses for individualized education.

Aerospace Engineering Specializations and Opportunities:

  • Options: Students can tailor their education by choosing specialized Options courses.
  • Research and Competitions: Opportunities for undergraduate research and participation in team competitions.
  • Advisement: Faculty advisors provide guidance throughout the program, ensuring course selection and sequencing align with career objectives.

Objectives of the Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering Program:

  1. Technical Proficiency and Leadership: Graduates will be skilled professionals and effective leaders in aerospace engineering and related fields, demonstrating high ethical standards.
  2. Global Impact: Graduates will contribute to the development of new knowledge, engineering practices, and globally impactful products and services. They will collaborate with international partners and work in culturally diverse teams.
  3. Lifelong Learning: Graduates will continuously enhance their leadership, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. They will actively pursue research and development, participate in professional societies, and engage in graduate studies, conferences, and symposia.
  4. Interdisciplinary Opportunities: Graduates will apply their aerospace engineering knowledge to intersecting fields such as robotics, medicine, and clean energy. They will leverage their degrees for careers in other professional domains like law, medicine, and public service.
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