Georgia Tech researchers found that chatbots are less accurate in Spanish, Chinese, and Hindi compared to English when asked health-related questions.
The National Institute of Health (NIH) has awarded Yunan Luo a grant for more than $1.8 million to use artificial intelligence (AI) to advance protein research.
The feasibility study by Georgia Tech researchers explores using conditional normalizing flows (CNFs) to convert seismic data points into usable information and observable images. This potential ability could make monitoring underground storage sites more
Schmidt Sciences has selected Kai Wang as one of 19 researchers to receive this year’s AI2050 Early Career Fellowship. In doing so, Wang becomes the first AI2050 fellow to represent Georgia Tech.
Thanks to a Georgia Tech researcher's new tool, application developers can now see potential harmful attributes in their prototypes.
Cardiologists and surgeons could soon have a new mobile augmented reality (AR) tool to improve collaboration in surgical planning.
Buddy Carter visit focused on scope of innovation to address challenges
Debra Lam discusses the use of AI in transportation innovation
As innovation surrounding artificial intelligence continues, Georgia Tech experts offer their thoughts on the scope of the recent executive order and the challenges ahead in regulating AI.
As innovation surrounding artificial intelligence continues, Georgia Tech experts offer their thoughts on the scope of the recent executive order and the challenges ahead in regulating AI.