Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Georgia Tech takes an integrated approach to campus safety and security. The Georgia Tech Police Department (GTPD) Office of Emergency Management and Communications is focused on helping the Institute reduce the effects of disasters through preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation activities. This office is responsible for implementing Georgia Tech’s Emergency Operations Plan and for working with building managers to create comprehensive emergency plans for their particular locations. To assure that ongoing concerns are addressed, Georgia Teach has a Crisis Management Team that meets quarterly and includes representatives from key departments. This team provides policy-level guidance to campus operational departments prior to and during emergencies, disasters, or other crises.
Emergencies can range from annoyingly inconvenient to completely devastating. To prepare for crisis situations, Emergency Management conducts vulnerability assessments across campus and continually reviews preparedness and response procedures to enhance safety. Plans are in place to address emergencies ranging from natural disasters to bomb threats. These plans are routinely exercised with local first responders including APD, AFD, and AFCEMA.
When a significant campus emergency occurs, updates will be shared via the Georgia Tech homepage and the appropriate social media channels. The Georgia Tech Emergency Notification System (GTENS) will be utilized as appropriate.
The Emergency Management office also oversees the following initiatives:
- Georgia Tech Emergency Notification System (GTENS)
- Continuity of Operations Planning
- Building Emergency Plans
- LiveSafe app (GT Police Department)