Yokoyama presented a new framework for semantic reasoning for robots at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, where he won best paper in the Cognitive Robotics category.
New analysis from Georgia Tech indicates that a phenomenon known as social correction may help to counter false and misleading onloine claims.
Melecio will focus on economic development for life sciences and biosciences.
Georgia Tech researchers found that chatbots are less accurate in Spanish, Chinese, and Hindi compared to English when asked health-related questions.
Researchers etch nano-sized textures and add copper ions to create a naturally antibacterial material for hospitals and other shared settings.
Researchers in the School of Economics hope the tool they're developing can help policymakers and community organizations implement more timely and targeted interventions to alleviate hunger on the continent.
Researchers etch nano-sized textures and add copper ions to create a naturally antibacterial material for hospitals and other shared settings.
A team of Georgia Tech and MIT researchers found that discarded brewer’s yeast, when encased in hydrogel capsules, becomes a viable and inexpensive method for purifying contaminated water.
A new eye-tracking system developed at Georgia Tech uses a lensless camera to reduce the size and weight of VR/AR headsets, improves efficiency, and enhances user privacy.
A School of Computational Science and Engineering faculty member is co-leading a $1.5M National Science Foundation grant to mitigate flood risks.